You shall take delight in the Lord, and God will make you ride upon the heights of the earth

Thank you for visiting the website of St. John's Reformed Church. We hope that you will consider joining us for Sunday worship, or at one of our special events.
We think you will find the congregation of St. John's to be a warm and welcoming one. As you navigate our website you will see that we are an active community with a variety of activities.
If you have any questions about our church we encourage you to call.
In peace,
The Consistory of St. John's Reformed Church
Our Mission
St John’s Reformed Church strives to welcome all, to know and proclaim God’s word, to seek God’s will and to live by Christ’s example. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we welcome all of God’s children regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, cognitive or physical limitation to feel free to worship God and seek His amazing Grace.
We understand the fulfillment of this mission within the context of the Great Commission of Christ to his Church and the Mission of God in the world.
What We Believe
St. John's Reformed Church believes that the Apostles' Creed contains the foundational truths of the Christian Faith. In addition to the Apostles' Creed we also maintain faithfulness with the historic statements of faith found in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds.
As a Christian church arising from the Reformation of the Church under John Calvin, we also hold to confessional statements that are unique to our understanding and practice of the Christian faith. These include: The Heidleberg Catechcism, The Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Belhar Confession.
In-Person &
Live Stream Worship Service
10 AM
Communion service is held the first Sunday of each month.
Click Below to begin Live Stream in HD.
News and Announcements

Thank you to all who gave to January's Mission of the Month. Thanks to you, we are able to provide bees, beehives, and training to 13 groups/individuals!
The Friendship Tea is Back!

Mission and Outreach cordially invites you to join us for the 15th Annual Friendship Tea. To be held March 2, 2025, at 2 o’clock in the Fellowship Hall, St. John’s Reformed Church. Come experience a delightful four-course luncheon with a tea tasting. Invite your friends and show them how great a place St. John’s truly is! Tickets go fast and seating is limited to 80 people. We promise fellowship, friendship and fun basket raffles! We will also do our best to accommodate those with dietary needs but please let us know in advance! Tickets will be on sale during coffee hour, or you can fill out the form and place it in the offering plate/mail it to the church. Proceeds will go towards mission & outreach programs. There will also be sign-up sheets in the fellowship hall for adopt-a-grocery item, volunteers to help serve, set-up & take down, and bakers. Any questions can be directed to Serena Winchell, serena.winchell@gmail.com.
Mission of the Month

Trust Orphanage, Ukraine Many of you may know Meri Puccio, a long-time Dutchess County resident and well-known chef and caterer. Her cousin – Maria Pleskanka - lives and works in the Ukraine as a teacher and has been volunteering at the Trust Orphanage, in the war-ravaged Dnipro region of the Ukraine, since the war began in February of 2022. Almost 3 years ago. With the help of direct donations from Meri, and her USA-located family, friends and associates, Maria has consistently and faithfully provided food to the 75 to 150 children who are housed in the orphanage on any given day. Her first act of kindness was to gather enough money for a hot water heater for the abandoned monastery. The story goes on and on. On January 26, Meri came and spoke to the congregation. At Fellowship Hour, she served typical Ukrainian treats, shared pictures of the children at the orphanage, and told more stories of the generosity of our local neighbors who have enabled this ministry to continue. Please join us in learning more about this important mission opportunity and supporting it. Those of you on Face Book can Follow Meri and see all the amazing pictures of the children enjoying the benefits of the generosity of many.